Prof. Decheng Wan
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Wan received his Ph.D from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China in 1994. After successively worked as a research fellow of the Royal Society at University College London, UK, a senior research fellow at National University of Singapore, and a Wissenschaftliche Angestellter at Dortmund University, Germany from 1997 to 2005, he returned to Shanghai and was appointed as a full professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006.
Prof. Wan is the Ministry of education of Yangtze River scholar Professor, the Distinguished professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, one of Shanghai outstanding academic leaders, The Shanghai East scholar ( tracks plan) professor, the Doctoral Tutor, the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Fund Winner, the Ministry of Education New century talents scheme winner, the Adjunct professor of Strathclyde university and Dalian University of Technology, the Vice dean of Science and Technology Development Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Deputy Dean of advanced Technology and Equipment Research Institute (presiding) and the Director of Marine and Ocean Engineering computational hydrodynamics Center.
His research interest is mainly on computational marine and coastal hydrodynamics, Computational Marine Hydrodynamics, Simulation Based Design for Offshore and Polar Structures, Renewable Energy in Deep Sea, Numerical Marine Basin, Fluid-Structure Interaction, etc.